
    Furniture Care Guide

    Welcome to the Collective

    Thank you for the support of Dalisay Collection and our team of craftsmen!
    We hope our designs bring happiness to your space for years to come. To help care for your pieces, please refer to this furniture guide for information on cleaning and maintenance. For further questions, email us anytime at

    Furniture Care 


  • Fabric and Upholstery

      • Regularly vacuum fabric covered furniture such as sofas, chairs, and beds using a soft bristle brush to remove dust and grime is recommended.

      • Avoid placing fabric covered furniture directly under sunlight, as fabrics will fade over time, especially under continued heat.

      • Regularly flip cushions, pillows, mattresses, and rugs to distribute wear evenly. You may also smoothen the fabric to avoid wrinkling and creasing.

      • Try not to use sharp objects around fabric covered furniture such as knives, scissors, and even writing materials to avoid cuts and ink stains.

      • Blot all spills immediately using absorbent towels or a piece of tissue. Do not wipe or scrub to avoid stain spread. Blotting from the outside then moving in to avoid the stain growing larger is recommended.

      • Be careful with cleaning agents as some chemicals can cause damage and stain fabric. You can always do a spot check first — find a concealed area and test it out before you apply it to the main stain.


    1. Wood

        • Avoid putting extremely hot and cold items on wooden furniture, as this may warp the surface or cause marks. You may use coasters, placemats, and tablecloths when eating or drinking on wooden surfaces as an extra layer of protection.

        • Regularly wipe down wooden surfaces with a clean, dry cloth.

        • Wipe up spills immediately and avoid using cleaning agents with harsh chemicals.

        • To sanitize or deep-clean wooden surfaces, use lukewarm water and some mild detergent. Make sure not to soak your wooden surfaces for long periods of time.

        • After using water to clean wooden surfaces, make sure to always wipe it down with a clean, dry cloth.

        • Keep your wooden furniture out of the sunlight if possible, as lengthy exposure to direct sunlight can cause wood to spot and change color. If this can’t be helped, you can always consider using a tablecloth or table runner to protect the surface of the wood from the sun.


      1. Volcanic Stone

          • Stone is very heavy, but delicate and must be cleaned with neutral, gentle cleaners. Acids, even the mild acid in vinegar, will dissolve the finish and permanently etch the surface. 

          • Some stones are very porous and therefore, may absorb liquid spills. If liquid spills do occur, wipe it dry as soon as possible by blotting dry with a clean cloth. 

          • The best method for cleaning stone is to wet a clean cloth with lukewarm water to wipe the surface, and to remove any marks. 

          • Use a very mild detergent to remove any tricky stains, but try and limit it to once every few months.

          • Do not place glasses directly on stone, and always use a dry cloth to dry and shine the stone to prevent liquids from getting into the stone core.


        1. Rattan, Wicker, and other Woven Grasses

            • Keep away from direct sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight will, over time, dry out and discolor your woven furniture—and drying out is what will lead to tears and breakage in the construction. 

            • Use a handheld vacuum or a brush attachment to remove loose dust and dirt.

            • Clean the surface regularly. A monthly or even weekly cleaning is the best way to protect your rattan furniture and prevent major damage. 

            • Clean with a little dishwashing detergent diluted into water. Skim the suds off the top of the water with a soft cloth and then wipe the furniture's surface without getting the wood wet. Be sure to get into crevices and grooves with a toothbrush or other small brush.

            • Keep the furniture indoors. While rattan certainly likes humidity, it is not outdoor furniture. Keep your rattan indoors and preferably out of direct sunlight and the furniture will last long and look better.

            • Care for stains or other major damage immediately. Use detergent and a cloth to scrub out stains as soon as they occur. For more serious damage like cracking or splitting of the wood, try boiled linseed oil to put moisture back into the material. For the real tough stuff, contact a rattan or wicker expert who can care for the wood with expertise.

            • Do a major cleaning once a year. A thorough cleaning will take care of dirt buildup and will also prevent further damage. Scrub the rattan with detergent, using slightly more water than you use for the weekly cleaning. Then, dry the wood as quickly as possible, using a hair dryer or setting the furniture in the sun. Finally, apply a coat of shellac or lacquer to seal the wood until the next year's cleaning.

            • Place rubber stoppers underneath the legs of the furniture if it will be moved often. Keeping a bit of rubber between the wood and the floor will prevent unnecessary damage and splitting of the rattan.